If you preorder any item(s) on the website that means you are paying in advance for an item that is NOT in stock to secure the size of your choice. Please pay attention to the ETA which is (Estimated Time of Arrival) date before placing your order to avoid any miscommunication. The ETA date provided to you on the website is the date that Blu Jean Blues receives the merchandise, not the consumer.
Lastly, we are always more than happy to issue store credits shall you choose not to wait for your item to arrive. If you want to wait, your order will be shipped the day the merchandise arrives and your tracking number along with shipping confirmation will be emailed to you. There are times when the ETA changes. The minute we find out that information we will communicate with you to see if you agree to the revised date and would like to keep your preorder in place or if you would like a refund.
Thank you